Trailer i used for a Live/ workspace.

Back in the 90’s I was looking for a less expensive place to paint but also something that gave me more room I had decided to rent a trailer in a trailer park. This provided me with a space where I could paint, t spread out more and also paint on a larger scale. I thought it was temporary but seventeen years later I was still in the trailer park - settled right in with all the other oddballs living in the park.

Prior to renting the trailer I had been living in a small apartment on the speedway in Venice California back in the 90’s. It was a great location as the beach was 20 feet away. The speedway was an alley running parallel to the beach and was also part of the bike path. Not only was it an alley but was used as a street. I would take my paintings down to the speedway and pop up a little area to show showing and sell my paintings.

My Art Journal, What most people see- What an artist sees

From My Art Journal

One of the things I have notice is that when my wife and I go out almost daily to either the beach or into the foothills for a hike we generally are looking at the same thing. We do draw attention to what each other is seeing. But what is interesting to me is that we can be looking at the same general scene, in the same environment and she will be focused on one aspect of the scene, and I will be seeing something entirely different.

This extends to what each of us may paint from that environment and how we interpret the scene. Her color choices are different. She tends to focus on the wildlife while I tend to paint the vistas. Her work is more representational than mine. I may abstract the scene as I have done with the video you see here.